BLUE WATER Financial Technologies

Blue Water Financial Technologies’ Digital Mortgage Asset Platform, empowers client’s decision making with easy to use technology. Our solutions, software, and services are designed to provide transparency around profitability, mitigate risk, and enhance liquidity of mortgage asset portfolios.

Transforming Digital Mortgage Asset Management

With a commitment to conservative risk management and deep regulatory insight, Blue Water provides comprehensive modeling capabilities, oversight guided by risk limits, and precise attribution. Our key pillars of success encompass pricing, distribution, risk management, and operational excellence

Blue Water Financial Technologies


With a deep understanding of the market, Blue Water has created vertically integrated technology solutions to monitor the market and oversee your business portfolio. Our commitment is to provide clients with solutions, software, and services that provide transparency around profitability, mitigate risk, and enhance the liquidity of their mortgage asset portfolios.

Technology Driven Solutions

Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSR) & Mortgage Asset Experience

At Blue Water we partner with our clients in every aspect of the Mortgage Asset.From trading bulk MSR to providing various PaaS (Platform as a Service) offerings. These include unbiased, loan level pricing exchange solutions, bespoke or AI-based self-service real-time loan-level valuation, electronic transfer, and a proprietary OCR and Machine Learning powered quality assurance reviews that examine over 3,400 fields and 1,800 rules to generate possible exceptions for remediation. Blue Water leverages its employees’ 100+ combined years of industry and capital markets expertise to deliver the best products to our clients. Blue Water’s technology is proprietary and processed onshore. Portfolio Hedging services* are also available and offered separately via Blue Water Financial Technologies, LLC.

Staff Composition & Capabilities

Blue Water is a collective of technologists, data scientists, financial mathematicians, fixed income traders, econometricians, and portfolio managers committed to solving the complex problems of the mortgage market. Our deep development team operates on an agile framework and runs 24 sprints a year to meet our customers’ specific needs.

Client Composition

Blue Water partners with originators, REITS, IMBs, TPR’s and Banks to perform quality assurance reviews, exception remediation electronic transfers and support a variety of white labeled platform enabled functions.


Universal All-Digital Electronic Review, Remediation, and Transfer of Your Mortgage Assets

Assists buyers and sellers of Mortgage Assets.

Prepares Mortgage Loan file documentation.

Required for settling an MSR transaction.

Facilitates smooth transactions.

Ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.

Provides support throughout the transaction process.

Enhances efficiency in the transfer of services.

A man looking at Voxtur data analytics on a laptop computer
MSR-X® Transactions

Live Marketplace for MSR and Mortgage Assets

Assists buyers and sellers of MSRs.

Determines real-time prices.

Facilitates transactions when prices meet criteria.

Provides a platform for efficient transactions.

Offers transparency in pricing.

Supports decision-making with accurate data.

Enhances market liquidity.

A man looking at Voxtur data analytics on a laptop computer
Bulk Brokerage

Tradable Seasoned Pricing Delivered at your Fingertips

Assists buyers and sellers of Mortgage Loans and MSRs.

Negotiates transactions.

Provides expertise in brokerage services.

Facilitates bulk transactions.

Offers market insights and analysis.

Ensures confidentiality and security.

Enhances transaction speed and accuracy.

A man looking at Voxtur data analytics on a laptop computer
Hedge Advisory Services*

Portfolio Interest Rate Risk Management

Provides hedging services for Mortgage Loans and MSR portfolios.

Offers risk management solutions.

Helps clients manage market fluctuations.

Supports strategic decision-making.

Ensures compliance with industry standards.


About Blue Water Financial Technologies, or “Blue Water” is the marketing name for a group of affiliated companies providing a range of services for which Blue Water Financial Technologies Holdings Company, LLC is the parent. All services are provided through separate agreements with each company. This material is for general information purposes only and is not intended to provide specific advice or a specific recommendation. Investment advisory services are provided by Blue Water Financial Technologies, LLC which is registered with the SEC under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. A suite of other MSR related technology-enabled services are provided by Blue Water Financial Technologies Services, LLC including but not limited to MSR-X. Fees for these services are separate from and or in addition to any Investment advisory services provided by Blue Water Financial Technologies, LLC. For more information regarding Blue Water’s services or entities, please visit Blue Water Financial Technologies

A man looking at Voxtur data analytics on a laptop computer
Valuation Services

Monitor the Value of Your Mortgage Asset Portfolio

Pricing of any asset, whether it be whole-loans or MSR is at the heart of how anyone thinks strategically around that asset. Blue Water Financial Technologies has a solid and deep understanding of the key facets required in MSR valuation. For a model to have tractability it must be realistic, internally consistent and explainable. Given the core emphasis of MSR valuation to other key elements of what Blue Water Financial Technologies does, we are forced to place tremendous emphasis on a bottom’s up, rigorous valuation model.

We would be remiss if we viewed Pricing or Valuation as its own “silo” in terms of what we do. In fact, we believe that the interconnected nature of Pricing, Risk Management, Distribution and Operational Focus creates the need for a more integrative approach. We leverage our integrative approach and the associated feedback loop as key differentiator and value creator for our firm and its customers.

A man looking at Voxtur data analytics on a laptop computer
Ad Hoc Bid Advisory

3rd Party Mortgage Portfolio Valuation

Analyzes portfolios of Mortgage Loans and MSRs.

Determines current value of portfolios.

Provides expert valuation services.

Assists clients in making informed decisions.

Offers customized advisory solutions.

Enhances investment strategies.

Supports competitive bidding processes.

A man looking at Voxtur data analytics on a laptop computer
Mortgage Correspondent As A Service (CaaS)

Turnkey Third Party Origination (TPO) Platform Across all Mortgage Assets

Allows Third Party Origination, Pricing, and Purchase of Mortgage Loans.

Facilitates Transfer of Mortgage to initial mortgage subservicer.

Provides a comprehensive service platform.

Streamlines the mortgage process.

Ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.

Offers end-to-end support.

Enhances operational efficiency.

A man looking at Voxtur data analytics on a laptop computer
Pre-Close & Post Close Quality Assurance

100% All Digital Loan File Review for Pre & Post Close

Automates review of electronic loan files.

Identifies issues related to underwriting and investor delivery.

Detects missing documents and data.

Highlights problems requiring manual review.

Ensures quality assurance in the loan process.

Enhances accuracy and compliance.

Reduces processing time.

Supports continuous improvement.

A man looking at Voxtur data analytics on a laptop computer


About Blue Water Financial Technologies, or “Blue Water” is the marketing name for a group of affiliated companies providing a range of services for which Blue Water Financial Technologies Holdings Company, LLC is the parent. All services are provided through separate agreements with each company. This material is for general information purposes only and is not intended to provide specific advice or a specific recommendation. Investment advisory services are provided by Blue Water Financial Technologies, LLC which is registered with the SEC under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. A suite of other MSR related technology-enabled services are provided by Blue Water Financial Technologies Services, LLC including but not limited to MSR-X. Fees for these services are separate from and or in addition to any Investment advisory services provided by Blue Water Financial Technologies, LLC. For more information regarding Blue Water’s services or entities, please visit Blue Water Financial Technologies

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